由澳門大學藝術設計中心、澳門大學曹光彪書院和澳門大學學生會傳播學會聯合主辦的《澳門當代電影系列 · 電影放映會》,於4月26日晚假E31學生活動中心劇場舉辦該系列首場放映會,放映澳門本土勵志故事電影《逆著風》。該電影導演花天亮先生、監製及主演羅導謙先生以及另一主演麥振濤先生親臨現場,並在放映後與觀眾分享創作心得。同場出席的嘉賓還包括曹光彪書院院長劉潤東博士,藝術設計中心主任、澳大藝術特聘教授、曹光彪書院副院長梁藍波教授。《澳門當代電影系列 · 電影放映會》希望透過是次活動提升同學對電影製作的興趣,不論是傳播系學生還是其它學院的同學,籍着放映會的機會,給各位觀眾有更深入了解。活動尚有三場電影放映會場次將於下一學期進行,有意者可留意澳門大學學生會傳播學會線上社交平台。

The “Macau Contemporary Film Series – Film Screening”, jointly organized by the Centre for Arts and Design of the University of Macau, the Chao Kuang Piu College of the University of Macau and the Communication Society of the Students’ Union of the University of Macau, was held on the evening of April 26 at the E31 Student Activities Centre Theatre. The film’s director, Mr. Oliver Fa, producer and actor, Mr. Fernando Lourenco, and another actor, Mr. Mak, came to the screening and shared their creative experience with the audience after the screening. Also present at the screening were Dr. Lau Yun Tung, Master of Chao Kuang Piu College, and Professor Lampo Leong, Director of Centre for Arts and Design, Distinguished Professor of Art of the University of Macau and Associate Master of Chao Kuang Piu College.

The “Macao Contemporary Film Series – Film Screening” aims to promote students’ interest in film production through this event, and to give the audience a better understanding of film production, whether they are students of the Department of Communication or students from other faculties. Three more film screenings will be held in the next semester, so please stay tuned for the social media platform of the Communication Society of the University of Macau Students’ Union.