12月15至18日,CKPC MTW戶外冒險領導團隊在廣西陽朔開展了一連四日的戶外攀岩與第一階段無痕山林導師訓練課程 (Leave No Trace Instructor Level 1 Course),本次活動核心在於人與自然、人與人之間的聯繫,以及如何減少對環境的衝擊。


CKPC MTW戶外冒險領導團隊除了在校園、本地舉辦戶外體驗及訓練之外,更積極創造更多實踐場景,期望讓院生能夠學以致用,將理論轉化為行動,提升知識整合、健康生活等多個範疇勝任力。

From the 15th to the 18th of December, the Chao Kuang Piu College Me to We Leadership Adventure Team held a four-day outdoor rock climbing and Leave No Trace Instructor Level 1 Course in Yangshuo, Guangxi, focusing on the connection between people and nature, and how to reduce the impact on the environment.

After a few days of theory and basic practice in campus, the participants have mastered the basics of rock climbing, and this activity allows them to put what they have learnt into practice. Yangshuo has one of the most complete karst ecosystems in the world, which is suitable for rock climbing, and is a unique experience for the students.

Chao Kuang Piu College Me to We Leadership Adventure Team not only organizes outdoor experience and training on campus and in the local community, but also actively creates more practical scenarios in the hope that the students can apply what they have learnt and turn theories into actions to enhance their competence in knowledge integration, healthy lifestyle and other areas.