2024年3月13日,曹光彪書院Me To We 團隊與澳門明愛協辦 “Making cookies with old friends” 活動。本次活動吸引曹光彪書院、鄭裕彤書院及馬萬祺羅柏心書院的同學們共同報名 參與。 參加者一同前往路環恩暉長者綜合服務中心(石排灣)與15位長者共同製作美味的曲奇。

在社工们带领下,同學們介紹了自己並慢慢與老人們熟悉。活動開始,參與同學向長者們介紹了製作步驟,與他們一起稱量材料、混合併製作面團。最後將面團壓平,使用模具印出不同圖案及形狀的曲奇。此次活動使用的模具亦蘊含深意,大多是龙年新春圖案,期望長者們能收穫祝福與快樂!活動後,一位長者反映說「曲奇好得意」,同學們也表示未來能夠繼續參與這類型有意義的社區服務活動。曹光彪書院Me To We 團隊感謝澳門明愛的社工們提供器材並在活動中提供幫助,亦感謝積極且細心的參與同學。


On March 13, 2024, the Me to We Leadership Adventure Team of Chao Kuang Piu College and Caritas Macau co-organized the “Making Cookies with Old Friends” activity. The activity attracted students from Chao Kuang Piu College, Cheng Yu Tung College, Ma Man Kei and Lo Pak Sam College. Participants went to the Complexo de Serviços de Apoio Ao Cidadão Sénior Retribuição ( Retribuição Seniors Support Services Complex) to make delicious cookies with 15 elderly.

Led by the social workers, the students introduced themselves and got acquainted with the elderly. At the beginning of the activity, the participating students introduced the cooking steps to the elderly, weighed the ingredients, mixed them, and made the dough with them. Finally, the dough was flattened and molded to create cookies with different patterns and shapes. Most of the molds used in this activity were designed with Loong elements, and hope that the elders will be able to harvest blessings and happiness. After the activity, one of the elders commented that “the cookies taste very well” and the students also expressed that they would like to continue to participate in this kind of meaningful community service activities in the future. The Me To We team of CKPC would like to thank the social workers of Caritas Macau for providing the equipment and helping in the activity, as well as the students who participated with enthusiasm and care.

Chao Kuang Piu College will continue to organize more social service activities in the future, spreading joy and warmth to different corners of Macau, and cultivating the civic consciousness of students to serve society.