2023年2月18日及19日,曹光彪書院Me To We計劃無痕山林初階講師課順利進行,學員們通過體驗學習活動的方式瞭解無痕山林七大原則,並在接下來的戶外健行實踐活動中逐漸加深理解與應用。活動中提升了參加者的環保意識並加強其在健康生活及公民責任心方面之勝任力。

On February 18 and 19, CKPC Me to We Leadership Adventure Program LNT Trainer course was successfully conducted. Participants learned about the seven principles of LNT (Leave No Trace) through experiential learning activities, and gradually deepened their understanding and application in the following outdoor hiking activities. The activity enhanced the participants’ environmental awareness and strengthened their competencies in healthy lifestyle and responsible citizenship.