




為體驗這些文化特色,孟憲承書院領隊老師章申和衛潔君帶領聯合小組參觀了上海博物館,海派文化的發源地—松江區的四千年廣富林文化遺址,華東師範大學普陀校區校史館、歷史文物博物館和古錢幣博物館等。其後,五個聯合小組聚焦“自然上海”、“科技上海” 、“人文上海” 、“地理上海” 、和“文創上海”五大主題進行考察,分別走訪了黃浦江、武康路、體驗磁懸浮列車、徐家匯書院、濱江大道、新天地、石庫門、陸家嘴、思南公館 以及世博會博物館等,深度體驗上海獨特的歷史文化底蘊及感受上海風土人情。


聯隊其後一同抵達澳門,到達澳門大學曹光彪書院後,書院特別邀請專門研究澳門歷史遺產及澳門功德林寺院檔案文獻的楊開荊博士,介紹澳門世界遺產概況以及《澳門功德林寺院檔案文獻》成功列入UNESCO亞太區及國際級《世界記憶名錄》的過程,帶領學生一同見證港澳首家女子佛學院 — 澳門功德林的誕生。





  • 何以上海?何以城市?【鏈接
  • 澳大華東師大生滬澳研學【鏈接

Chao Kuang Piu College of the University of Macao (UM) and East China Normal University, Meng Xin Cheng College jointly launched the summer exchange program on “City and Culture – Focus on Shanghai and Macau”. 20 students from the two colleges visited Shanghai and Macao within 10 days, and were divided into five joint groups to conduct fieldwork and presentations on humanities, geography, science and technology, cultural and creative industries, and nature.

East China Normal University is a national “double first-class” comprehensive research university, the university’s Meng Xin Cheng College was established in 2007, is the first teacher training college in China, with more than 3,400 students.

At the opening ceremony, Dr. Lau Yun Tung, Master of Chau Kuang Piu College, and Dr. Yang Yaxing, Associate Master of Meng Xin Cheng College, encouraged the students to be enthusiastic and to explore the city together.

In order to experience these cultural characteristics of Shanghai, the delegation visited the Shanghai Museum, the 4,000-year old Guangfulin Cultural Heritage Site, and the East China Normal University’s Putuo Campus Museum of History, Museum of History and Cultural Relics, and Museum of Ancient Coins. To experience Shanghai’s unique historical and cultural heritage as well as the local customs and traditions of Shanghai.

On the fifth day of the visit to Shanghai, all students formed a “Red-Blue Team” (named after the colors of the uniforms of the two colleges) and went into the community of Shanghai to serve the Summer Care Class in Wujing, Shanghai. They introduced the cultural heritage, cuisine, street characteristics and local customs of Shanghai and Macao to the primary school students in an interactive way, and also experienced serving the community.

Upon arrival at Macau, the team visited famous landmarks such as Ruins of Saint Paul’s, the Fortress, the Senado Square, Ka Ho Village, Coloane Village, and Taipa Houses, allowing the students to walk through the heritage of Macao as well as to learn about the unique blend of Chinese and Western cultures.

This is the sixth time for Chao Kuang Piu College and Meng Xin Cheng College to co-organize this visit. After years of cooperation, teachers and students of the two colleges have built up a deep friendship and strengthened ties between universities in Shanghai and Macao, while the masters and teachers of the two colleges have shared their experiences in whole-person education and explored initiatives to optimize the education of the colleges together.

The UM students who participated in the program said that the exchange program provided them with the opportunity to experience Shanghai culture and broaden their horizons. Although they were sweating all over their backs during the summer, they insisted on completing the trip, stepped out of their comfort zone, exchanged, communicated and collaborated with other students, completed the social practice and report together, and gained valuable friendship with their fellow students of the Meng Xin Cheng College. The students look forward to similar exchange programs in the coming year so that they can go out and learn about the culture and characteristics of different places.