







  • “澳門蟻俠的經歷非常振奮人心,也鼓勵了我去探索新的事物”
  • “無論是做出學術成果還是別的成就,都不是一蹴可幾的,都需要艱辛的努力和執著的探索”
  • “科研探索是一條辛苦但是充滿挑戰與驚喜的道路,作為一名大學生,應該努力提升自己的專業能力,鑽研科學,勇於探索創新”
  • “不要向現實低頭,即使做科研有時會沒有方向,但若我們如蟻俠一樣堅持下去,一定會得到成就。不要輕易放棄夢想”
  • “作為青年人,我們要拒絕躺平,做對社會有貢獻的事情”
  • “第一次知道澳門原來生態那麼豐富,和了解到全新的領域”
  • “這次主題內容分享令我意識到原來這個世界上還有很多生物,是我們不知道的,而且未被發現亦需要靠我們去尋找。令我思考到原來這個世界真的很大,需要我們慢 慢去探索”
  • “蟻俠對生命的敬佩以及對大自然的探索。有時過分執著會過分焦慮,或許“無心插柳柳成蔭”才是成功的關鍵”
  • “在實驗室埋頭做實驗的同時,更要多出去走走看看,善於觀察和思考,有可能會發現一些平時沒有註意到的細節”
  • “主題的主講嘉賓很年輕,講的內容也很特別,並沒有太多大道理,但是把真實的情況都說了出來,例如發現澳門細蟻的青洲山就距離嘉賓居住的筷子基不遠但是卻 一直沒有去過,這讓我覺得我們除了要展望未來更要重視腳下更近的現在”
  • “蟻俠的勵志故事讓人敬佩,給我一份勇氣,未來能有毅力踏入門檻極高的電影行業”
  • “對於自己感興趣與熱愛的事應愛要堅持下去,多做社會有貢獻的事。激發了我思考什麼是社會真正需要的事,與我應該向哪一方面發展的思考”
CKPC High Table Dinner – “Ant-Man’s Endeavor”

Chao Kuang Piu College hosted its first high table dinner for Academic Year 2023/2024.  The theme was “Ant-Man’s Endeavor”, with Professor Danny Chi-Man Leong, Assistant professor of United International College as the keynote speaker.

Professor Leong is an ecologist, physiologist and insect taxonomist. He is committed to science education, scientific research and discovery. In 2018, he discovered a new ant species called the Macau Tiny Ant.  In 2021, due to this discovery and his active involvement in scientific promotion, he was selected as a National Geographic Emerging Explorer.

He shared his experience in scientific research, from the study on entomology to the unexpected discovery of a new ant species. He encouraged young people to step out of their comfort zones, explore bravely, and pursue their dreams.

As a Macau native working in Zhuhai, he joked that he was like a “panda” being observed by everyone around him. This year, he was awarded a project on ecological environment management and standard setting in Hengqin. In the new horizon of the Greater Bay Area, he feels there is more room for him to grow.

Professor Leong has been engaged in popular science education for a long time. He suggested that students should start from the needs of the community and make unremitting efforts, and there will be unexpected gains.

Other guests at the dinner included Ms. Ruby O, Founder & Chairperson of the Society of Food and Environmental Health of Macao, and Mr. Joe Chen, Vice Chairman of the Macau Ecological Society.  Student representatives from United International College also jointed the dinner and interacted with college students.

The evening ended with a music, magic and CKpopC dance performance that pushed the atmosphere to a climax. After the party, the students lingered and took pictures in front of the backdrop.