

  1. 【水星】心靈抗疫戰 *
  2. 【木星】探究澳門本科大學生對潮牌的購買強度、傾向及原因之研究 *
  3. 【金星】探讨動保團的社會角色 *
  4. 【土星】澳門社團助澳門青年融入大灣區的成效個案研究
  5. 【火星】澳門水上人家的生活現狀調查
  6. 【地球】探究社會青年對跟風現象的看法與它的成因和影響





Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) completed its first ever “Team Project Challenge”.  This was part of CKPC’s Mentorship Program, in which year-1 students formed interdisciplinary groups of 3 to 5 people to work on topics related to Macau or contemporary interests.  Under the guidance of faculty mentors, the groups searched for background materials, established research goals, developed plans, and completed the report.

The purpose of this activity was to motivate students through teamwork and improve their academic research, cooperation, and presentation skills.

For this academic year, year-1 students from the six CKPC Planet Tribes formed 40 groups. They chose many interesting topics closely related to the Macau society and the young generation (see this webpage for details). From the 40 opening reports presented in early December 2020, six teams were selected as the finalists. Their topics are listed below.  Among them, three teams were awarded scholarship during the finale on 9 March, 2021 (highlighted with asterisk below):

  1. 【Mercury】A spiritual war against the pandemic *
  2. 【Jupiter】A study on the attitude to fashion brands and purchase inclination of Macau’s college students *
  3. 【Venus】On the societal role of Macao’s animal protection organizations *
  4. 【Saturn】A study on the effectiveness of community organizations in helping the integration of Macau into the Greater Bay Area
  5. 【Mars】On the current living status of boat people in Macau
  6. 【Earth】Exploring the views of young people on following trends and its causes and effects

Note: CKPC students are divided into six Planet Tribes based on their block/floor areas.


  • 《心靈抗疫戰》- 用嚴謹的數據導出了各位同學的心聲,這份研究撥動了同學們的心弦,激起了在座每一位的共鳴
  • 《探討澳門大學生對潮牌的購買強度、傾向以及原因之研究》- 在他們的報告中我看到了專業且不偏頗的數據和文獻分析,結論發人深思,原來在追求潮牌的問題上,兩性差異並不大,澳門的大學生面對潮牌都相對理性。值得一提的是,在決賽當日,這組同學打扮都很潮,與他們的研究題目相呼應
  • 《探討動物團體的社會角色》- 經過實地考察,在充滿了愛心的報告中,結合了《動物保護法》的理性分析,為動物們的權利發聲


  • 這次大比拼的開題報告中,也不乏好的內容。除了眾多關於社會的題目,有幾個較少見的科技題目,例如智慧燈柱和垂直農耕,我個人對他們的內容也很有興趣。希望將來有更多同學選擇跟科技相關的題目。
  • 我從導師們了解到,小組項目最常見的挑戰,是組員之間的合作和融合。組員有主動被動,甚至若即若離。怎樣調和和達致共識,最後能出結果,這個經歷正是小組項目給每一位參與同學的實戰訓練。