



The Down Syndrome Buddy Group was established by Chao Kuang Piu College in 2020. It works closely with the Macau Down Syndrome Association, with the aim to bring company and warmth to children with Down syndrome in Macau and their parents. The theme for activities this year is still “Art and Life”.

In the previous semester, the Group didn’t host too many activities due to the epidemic, but it is in close contact with the Association. This semester, as soon as Macau was opened up, the Group resumed planning and organizing activities for the children. In late February, volunteers from the Group had a gathering with the children. First, they warmed up by passing balloons and doing simple exercises. Then they paired up to work on Mosaic Music Boxes. Finally, the children cat walked with their art work and shared on their feelings. They all had fun and enjoyed the activities.

Parents of the children thanked the volunteers for brining company to their children and for their devotion for the Association. Both parties look forward to future cooperation and activities.