2023年10月23日,曹光彪書院在黑沙海灘順利進行直立板體驗活動。是次活動講解了有關直立板的知識及基本的直立板技巧,如跪姿與站立划行、落水上板等,期望院生能夠建立 積極與健康生活模式。活動後,大部份院生反映從來沒有接觸過直立板運動,亦難以尋找渠道參與,而書院提供一個良好平台讓他們跳出舒適圈。同時,院生表示活動非常有趣和吸引,對於他們來說是一個難忘體驗。


On October 23, 2023, Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) conducted a successful Stand-Up Paddle (SUP) Experience at Hac Sa Beach. The activity explained the knowledge and the basic techniques of the SUP, such as kneeling and standing rowing, etc., in the hope that the students could build up a positive and healthy lifestyle. After the activity, most of the students reflected that they had never been exposed to SUP before and it was difficult for them to find the way to participate in it, and CKPC had provided a good platform for them to step out of their comfort zone. At the same time, the students expressed that the activity was very interesting and attractive, and it was an unforgettable experience for them.

Apart from organizing various sports activities, CKPC has also been listening to the needs and aspirations of the students, and continues to organize various activities around the 7 learning competencies for the students to explore their personal interests, as well as facilitating them to achieve personal growth through different kinds of activities.