

  • 乘巴士(71, 72, 73, 73S, N6),於大學南下車(進入澳大後第一個站),之後按圖紅色虛線直行,到達聚賢街及大學大馬路交界後,左拐進入聚賢街,於聚賢街直行直至見到小橋。通過小橋後,前往學院六徑(即 崇文樓旁小路)。到達學院六徑後直行,右拐並過馬路,直行約1分鐘便到W31正門。(紅色虛線指示)
  • 駕車(需要預先通知書院登記車牌):按照圖中藍色實線駕駛。離開隧道後保持直行,直至盡頭才繞過迴旋處。到警衛閘口,告訴警衛你的車牌已經登記,留下手機號,進入內街到盡頭右轉。直行約30秒後到達,並把車輛泊在書院指定停車點。(藍色實線指示)

Note: Because of the expansion project at W21, CKPC has moved temporarily to W31.


Take the bus (71, 72, 73, 73S, N6) to the SUL DA UNIVERSADIDE stop (the first stop after entering the University), then follow the red dotted line and go straight ahead until the first crossroads. Turn left and go straight until noticing a small bridge. After crossing the bridge, proceed to the path next to E34. Turn right and cross the road. Go straight for about 1 minute to the main entrance of W31. (Red Colour Line)

If you are driving here, please notify the college staff to register your license plate in advance and follow the blue line shown on the map. Keep driving straight after leaving the tunnel until the end and make a U-turn. At the guard gate, tell the guard that your license plate has been registered, leave your phone number, and then enter the inner street. Turn right at the end of the road and then drive ahead for about 30 seconds before arriving and parking at an open parking space near W31. (Blue Colour Line)