領袖冒險團隊戶外活動 Me To We Outdoor Activities



在自然界中,各種動植物的一舉一動,都是為了適應環境,因此生活效能 (life effectiveness) 十分重要,今年曹光彪書院 Me To We (MTW) 團隊的主題就在於此。日前,MTW團隊前往香港南丫島,進行初階自然解說員訓練,由體驗大自然,到觀察大自然,再從中發掘自然界的生動故事,讓大家從這些微小的細節上學習評估環境,加強自身能力,運用創新與改革,面對大氣候的挑戰!

Outdoor Nature Experience

The living habits of animals and plants in the nature are aimed to adapt to the habitats. Therefore, life effectiveness is very important. Life effectiveness is also the main topic of CKPC Me To We (MTW) team this year. Recently, MTW team went to Lamma Island and participated in the Nature Interpreter Training Program. The team members discovered many vivid stories of the nature through experience and observation. They learned how to evaluate the environment from the minor details, enhance their own abilities, and apply their creativity and innovation to face the challenging circumstances!



曹光彪書院 Me To We (MTW) 團隊在繩索挑戰中,把每一件單獨的裝備組合起來,形成一個系統,為的是要透過正確使用系統,有效與安全地去面對不同的任務與難關!我們的生命也如此,我們要學會如何把時間管理、情緒控制、成就動機、社交領導、自信心、主動積極拼合成為生命的運作系統,發揮生活中的最大效能!這是大家一生的功課!而我們也開始看到去年領袖訓練的成果,這次的課程由第一期MTW的學長學姐來當助教,把知識與MTW的核心價值傳承下去!

Rope Challenge Course

During the rope challenge course, CKPC Me To We (MTW) team assembled each individual equipment into a system. The aim is to learn how to face different missions and challenges in an effective and safe way through the appropriate usage of system. Life is also like this, if we can learn how to assemble time management, emotion control, achievement motivation, social leadership, self-confidence and pro-activeness into an operating system of life, we can generate the maximum life effectiveness. This is a life long practice for everyone. Moreover, we started to observe the result of last year’s leadership training. Some MTW members from last year acted as teaching assistants in the course, passing the knowledge and core values of MTW to the next generation!