Me to We Hong Kong Trip

澳門大學曹光彪書院Me to We Adventure Team近日前往香港進行兩天的戶外領導課程。學生們雖然離戶外指導員的路還很漫長,但透過這學期一連串的戶外領導訓練,團隊建立基本有了雛型,我們更渴望學生們的身心靈能一步一步的邁向專業,成為看到別人需求的團隊!

The Me to We Adventure Team of the University of Macau, CKPC, recently traveled to Hong Kong for a two-day outdoor leadership course. Although there is still a long way for students to become outdoor instructors, the team has basically established a prototype through the series of outdoor leadership training in this semester. We are eager to see the development of students’ body and mind in becoming a professional and compassionate team!