澳門大學曹光彪書院Me to We戶外冒險領袖計劃隊員於本年1月30日自發參與菩提青少年及家庭綜合服務中心、晚晴之家義工隊服務,透過由參考「動物醫生」理念而衍生的【慈悲犬】與參加者的接觸與互動,減低受訪者的生活壓力與舒緩個人情緒,也為他們在忙碌的日常生活中帶來一點正能量。而澳門大學曹光彪書院Me to We戶外冒險領袖計劃冀望能融入社區,從一點一滴的小事情來祝福更多人,透過服務社會令隊員得到更多的學習及成長機會。

Members of the CKPC Me to We Outdoor Leadership Adventure Program volunteered to serve at the Complexo de Serviços de Apoio ã Juventude e Família “Pou Tai” on January 30. Through the interaction with the participants, they were able to reduce their stress and relieve their emotions, as well as bring a positive energy to people in their busy daily lives. The Me to We Outdoor Leadership Adventure Program of CKPC hopes to integrate into the community, to bless more people through little things, and to earn more learning and growth opportunities through serving the community.