澳門大學曹光彪書院ME TO WE社會服務小組於2021年3月17日拜訪菩提園的爺爺奶奶們。在與爺爺奶奶見面之前,同學先一起學習了拜訪長者的一些基本的注意事項以及長者們最需要的是什麼樣的陪伴。大家之後和爺爺奶奶們一起聊天話家常,從他們的身上學習到了在人生的不同階段的不同的生命體會。所以大家也都稱呼爺爺奶奶們為自己的生命導師。同學們去拜訪菩提園不僅僅是對爺爺奶奶們單向的陪伴,也是向他們學習,以更深刻的視角來看待生活理解生命。活動結束後,大家分享了自己所陪伴的生命導師的故事,交流了自己的感受與想法。

無論陪伴還是學習都是一項需要耐心與堅持的事情。本次是ME TO WE社會服務小組第一次拜訪菩提園,期待大家的身影以後時常出現在服務中心!

The ME TO WE Team of CKPC visited the residents of Pou Tai Un Temple on March 17, 2021. Before meeting them, the students learned some basic information to note when visiting the elderly and what the elderly need the most. Afterwards, we chatted with the them and learned from them about different life experiences in different stages of life.

The visit was not only a one-way companionship to the elderly, but also a way to learn from them and to understand life from a more profound perspective. After the event, everyone shared their stories about the life teachers they had accompanied and exchanged their feelings and thoughts.

Both accompanying and learning is a task that requires patience and persistence. This was the first time that the ME TO WE social service team visited Pou Tai Un Temple, and we look forward to seeing you in the service center in the future.

撰寫: MTW成員萬嘉儀