澳門大學曹光彪書院Me to We領袖冒險團隊與世界宣明會澳門分會聯合主辦之「澳門饑饉」十小時饑饉營於2024年04月13順利舉行。本次活動約100名學生參與,共同體驗飢餓之苦,同時完成指定的工作坊與活動,用心感受和了解貧窮地區孩子的生活。



Me to We Leadership Adventure Team and World Vision Macao co-organized the “Macao Famine” 10-hour famine camp on 13 April 2024. About 100 students participated in the camp, experiencing the suffering of hunger and completing designated workshops and activities to learn about the lives of children in impoverished areas.

During the 10 Hour Famine every year, we cannot say that we have a deep understanding of hunger, but we can only have a taste of it. We designed a series of lectures, workshops, and outdoor orienteering activities related to poverty and war-related issues for this event. We hope to remind everyone to reflect on the issue and do their part to help the world’s hungry children. In addition, she also called on campers who participated in the 10 Hour Famine to carry on the spirit of famine, and to experience the fear of famine and lack of water resources through different activities.

Chao Kuang Piu College hopes that through this activity, participants can feel the hunger and hardship of the refugees, so that they can cherish their hard-earned lives, and encourage them to reflect on their experiences. Moreover, enhancing their sense of social responsibility.