2024年3月28日至4月1日,曹光彪書院的 Me To We 團隊於黑沙青年活動發展基地開展高級野外急救(WAFA)課程。本次課程經國際野外醫學學會(WMAI)認證,由具有豐富戶外經驗及野外急救知識的導師進行授課。



最終,本課程順利結束的同時所有參與者均通過考核並獲得證書。Me To We領袖冒險計劃將繼續通過引導性思考與體驗教育,為同學們提供自我成長與培養戶外領導力的平臺,提升團隊協作勝任力。

From 28 March to 1 April 2024, the Chao Kuang Piu College Me to We Leadership Adventure Team conducted a Wilderness First Aid (WAFA) course at the Hác Sá Youth Activity Development Base. The course was accredited by the Wilderness Medicine Association International (WMAI) and was conducted by instructors with extensive outdoor experience and wilderness first aid knowledge. 

During the course, students learned how to make quick judgments and handle medical emergencies for a long period in a harsh environment where hospital assistance is not available. The theoretical aspect of the course focuses on “Oxygenation and Perfusion” and “Three Critical Systems”, while the practical aspect includes assessment of risk and mechanism of injury at the scene, evaluation of the three major systems of injury, comprehensive physical check-up and detection of vital signs, etc. The two instructors combined outdoor cases with props and conducted several simulation practices to provide immersive learning, enabling students to better understand the connection between theories and techniques, and to overcome the mental pressure to make quick and accurate decisions. The combination of the facilities in the base and the outdoor environment also enabled the students to understand the flexible application of first aid techniques in complex situations.

In addition to professional knowledge, the MTW team also emphasizes self-reflection, growth, and the transfer of value from experience. At the end of the course, students reflected on how internal values and self-checking can be practically applied in their lives by linking the two major physiological processes and the three major systems, as well as the assessment of their injuries, and shared how the most profound events of the course had enlightened them. One of the students, Chen, shared that the “oxygenation and perfusion” and the “three key systems” of the human body are like a good team, with each part being interdependent and indispensable. During one of the practices, she found that an unclear division of responsibilities in the early stages of the team could lead to confusion, and realized that a clear division of responsibilities should be coordinated in future teamwork. Finally, the “body check” inspired her to develop a comprehensive self-checking process that she could practically use.

The four-day course was completed and all participants passed the assessment and were certified. Me To We Outdoor Adventure Leadership Program will continue to provide students with a platform to develop leadership skills in the outdoors through guided reflection and experiential education, as well as to enhance teamwork and collaboration.