2023年4月10日,於澳門大學曹光彪書院舉辦的為期四天的野外進階急救課程(WAFA)及橋接課程(WFR)順利結束,參與本次課程的有曹光彪書院Me To We戶外冒險領袖計劃學員和校外人士。在這四天中,他們通過各項演習與訓練,成功獲得本次課程畢業證書。課程當中,學員學習了如何提高團隊合作技巧,並將其應用於野外急救,提高團隊救援情況下的決策能力,從而達至「團隊協作」和「服務與領導」方面的勝任力成長。

April 10, 2023. The four-day field advanced first aid course (WAFA) and bridging course (WFR) organized by the University of Macau Chao Kuang Piu College have successfully concluded. In these four days, student have passed various exercises and training, and successfully obtained the graduation certificate for this course. During the course, participants learn how to enhance teamwork skills and apply them in wilderness first aid, and enhance their decision-making skills in team rescue situations to achieve growth in “service and leadership” and “teamwork and collaboration” competencies.



在做出決定後,最困難的不是撤離,也不是安撫傷者,而是相信自己所做出的決定是正確的。我們會疑惑、恐懼、質疑,事後回憶中我們會恐懼是否有傷者因自己的決定而延緩治療,會質疑自己的決定是否真的達成“the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number(為多數謀求最大的福祉)”目的。如上所說,雙手的長度是有限的,想要兼得是很困難的事情。我們所能做的,是利用現有的物資做到最好,並相信這就是當下做出的最好決定。

Difference between WAFA and WFR

WAFA to WFR is a progressive process, and the knowledge we learned in WAFA is the foundation for emergency responders to save lives and heal injuries, while the on-site judgment cultivated in WFR is the key to team rescue. We always hope that we can save everyone, which is understandable. If we compare the lives of the injured on the balance, both ends of the balance will inevitably be flat. But in fact, there are many obstacles in the environment, such as the length of our arms is limited, there are always somewhere we can’t touch, some goals we can’t achieve. In this situation, it is necessary to make a quick decision to save the most people with existing supplies.
After we making a decision, the most difficult thing is not to evacuate or comfort the injured, but to believe that the decision you have made is correct. We will doubt, we will fear, we will question. In hindsight, we may fear whether any injured has delayed treatment due to their own decision, and question whether our decision has truly achieved the goal of ‘the Greatest Good for the Greatest Number’. But as mentioned earlier, the length of our arms is limited. What we can do is to make the best use of existing materials and believe that this is the best decision we have made right now.