
二級運動攀登課程以一級運動攀登為基礎,新增學習了先鋒攀登技術、架設頂繩攀登系統、垂降技術及相關裝備。「每一件小事都要認真做好」——30小時的課時是對同學體能與心理的一大挑戰, 除了體能要求更大,同時也需要保持冷靜與嚴謹做好每一步操作,這是整個課程一直貫穿的精神。此外,課程也包含了技術在戶外中的實際運用,這使同學們對與攀岩技術的靈活運用有了更深的體會。

本次課程不僅是一次身體及心理上的挑戰,也是學習體驗教育技巧的重要機會。在課程最後,參與課程的同學們圍坐在一起相互引導對攀岩的反思及生活中的運用, 包括:正視與克服心理壓力 、情緒管理、溝通與協調及焦點轉移等等重要議題。曹光彪書院期望藉本次活動提升同學的服務領導與健康生活能力,將書院體驗式教育拓展到戶外教育層面。


On November 4-5 and 18-19, Chao Kuang Piu College Leadership Adventure Team conducted Sports Climbing Course (Level 2). After 30 hours of training, students from the Rock Climbing Program successfully passed the examination and obtained the course certificate.

The Level 2 Sport Climbing course was based on Level 1 Sport Climbing, with the addition of Lead Climbing techniques, the Top-rope System, rappelling techniques and related equipment. “Every thing must be done seriously no matter big or small” – the 30 hours course is a great challenge to students’ physical and mental ability, not only is it more physically demanding, but also need to stay calm and do every step of the operation rigorously, this is also the spirit of the whole course. In addition, the course also included the practical application of techniques in the outdoors, which enabled the students to have a deeper understanding of the flexible use of climbing techniques.

The course was not only a physical and mental challenge, but also an important opportunity to learn and experience educational techniques. At the end of the course, students sat together and guided each other to reflect on rock climbing and its application in life, including: facing and overcoming psychological stress, emotion management, communication and coordination, among other important topics. Through this activity, Chao Kuang Piu College hopes to enhance the service leadership and healthy living skills of the students, and to expand the College’s experience education to the outdoor  level.

For more information about the CKPC Me to We Adventure Team and its programs, please visit https://ckpc.rc.um.edu.mo/me-to-we-leadership-adventure-program/.