曹光彪書院Me To We 2020/21正式開動,第一及二課程是風險評估與管理、裝備使用與維護、一級繩索技術,風險評估與管理及裝備使用與維護放在第一階段課程,主要原因是讓大家了解及認真面對風險的態度,也學習如何從人、環境與裝備進行初步評估與管理,也要學習如何維護裝備,管理裝備,繩索技術,大多來自戶外探索而來。MTW團隊在學習的過程中,學習到不僅僅是技術,他們還要認識如何從經驗中學習,這是體驗教育的精髓,這樣的轉移是寶貴且真實的!

CKPC Me To We 2020/21 is officially launched. The first and second courses are risk assessment and management. The first stage of course includes the equipment use and maintenance, first-level roping technique, risk assessment and management, in order to make students understand the risk concerns and learn how to conduct preliminary assessment and management from people, environment and equipment. Moreover, learn how to maintain equipment, manage equipment, roping technique, which mostly from outdoor exploration, are important element in the course.  Me To We team is a learning process of experiential education which is precious and real.