Andrew Ng 吳雲峰

Resident Fellow, Chao Kuang Piu College

Academic Qualifications

  • PhD in Education, City University of Macau (studying)
  • Master of Social Sciences (Social Work), Hong Kong Baptist University
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences (Social Work), Macau Polytechnic Instituter Program

Research Interests

  • Social Work Professional Ethics
  • Social work professional supervision
  • Community work and education
  • Social welfare policy

Working Experiences

Resident Fellow, University of Macau

Head of Department of Innovative Social Work,  City University of Macau

Lecturer of the Department of Innovative Social Work, City University of Macau

Director of School Counselling Service of the Sheng Kung Hui (Macau) Social Services Office of Macau

Research and Publications

  • 吳雲峰、何鍾建、蔡遠寧..等編(2019),《澳門回歸前後社會服務比較性研究調查》研究報告書,出版:澳門社會工作局,2019
    Andrew Ng (2018), Statutory Registration of Social Work in Macau, “the Joint World Conference on Social Work, Education and Social Development 2018” International Conference, Dublin,2018.
  • 吳雲峰 (2016),優化澳門幼兒早期療育政策的若干建議,《第八屆兩岸四地啟智服務研討會論文集》,出版:澳門弱智人士服務協會,2016
  • 吳雲峰 (2011),淺談中國社會福利體制,《社服專業 您我共建文集3》出版:“社服專業 您我共建”系列活動籌委會,(P.228-237),2011
  • 吳雲峰、岑麗嫦、區瑞玲編(2003),澳門青少年輟學就業情況淺析,《靑少年問題與社區控制學術研討會論文集》,出版:澳門青少年犯罪研究學會,2003
Social Recognition

Member of Rehabilitation Affairs Committee for Macau. SAR 2019-Present
Member of Professional Council of Social Workers of Macau. SAR

2018- Present
Vice-President of the Association of Social Workers of Macau

Member of the Elderly Affairs Committee of the Macau. SAR

Member of the Expert Panel – Professional Qualification Recognition and Registration System for Social Workers. SAR

Member of the Social Work Committee of the Government of the Macao. SAR

President of the Association of Social Workers of Macau