

劉院長致辭時,簡明地介紹了感恩節的傳統,接著的頒獎典禮,20位UMDF獎學金得獎者逐一上台領取獎狀,得獎者之後在同學仔傾下計環節分享在書院成功的心得。此外,書院準備了美味的餐點供參加者享用,劉院長和夫人更親自切火雞,氣氛溫馨,不少學生都表示是第一次吃火雞,感到非常興奮。曹光彪書院向來人才輩出,在院長晚宴這個大好機會,又怎可以少得了才藝表演呢? 幾位優秀的書院學生為觀眾帶來了長笛結他重奏、歌唱表演和花式搖搖表演,為晚宴增添不少光彩。而壓軸的書院常識問答比賽,將晚宴的氣氛推至高峰,原來不少學生都對書院十分了解。至此,「星躍之夜」在一片感恩的歡呼聲中圓滿結束。

The first Master Dinner of CKPC in AY2019/2020 was successfully held on 27-11-2019. The theme of Master Dinner was “Starry Night”.

CKPC has been devoting in enhancing community and peer education, encouraging students to join RC activities and allowing students to realize their full potential and become whole persons. This time, the aim of Master Dinner was to give thanks to the devotion of UMDF scholarship recipients and staff to the college. At the same time, we want to encourage students to be involved more in RC activities and provide a platform for students to showcase their star potential. Therefore, it was named “Starry Night”. The Master Dinner has attracted about 110 students and staff to join. There were plenty of activities: Master’s speech, award ceremony, college roundtable, dinner buffet, talent show and master quiz. In response to the tradition of Thanksgiving Day, we also prepared turkey especially for the event.

First, Master Lau introduced the tradition of Thanksgiving Day. Then, 20 UMDF scholarship recipients went onto the stage and received their awards. After that, they shared their successful college experience during college roundtable.  We prepared delicious cuisine for participants to enjoy. Master Lau and his wife sliced the turkey for everyone, creating a harmonious and heartwarming atmosphere. Some students told us excitedly that it was their first time to taste turkey. There are many hidden talents in CKPC, how can we miss the great opportunity to let them showcase their talent? Our outstanding students prepared excellent flute and guitar duet performance, singing performance and yo-yo performance. Their performances had brought starlight to the event. Master quiz was the last activity and it successfully pushed the atmosphere of the event to the climax. It turned out that many students were very familiar with CKPC. Finally, “Starry Night” was concluded in a joyful and thankful atmosphere.

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