CKPC Room Inspection Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)


CKPC needs to inspect student rooms from time to time in order to ensure hygiene and safety (such as after a long period of no use).

In order to protect student’s personal items, we will follow this procedure:

  • Make an announcement to students one day or more in advance
  • Two persons will form a team entering student rooms for inspection. One will be RF or Master, the other being another RF, Administrative Staff, or a college student representative
  • An inspection record form will be used to record the names of persons entering each room
  • The inspection includes:
    1. Perishable food will be discarded
    2. Trash will be removed
    3. Windows will be closed
    4. Proper drainage in the toilet and possible leakage
    5. Any violation items or pets kept inside the room (which is a violation of the RC code of conduct)

The inspection report will be shared with college students.  We will perform similar inspection in floor pantries and collect unclaimed cloths in laundries.


  • 提前一天或以上,通知住宿學生即將檢查
  • 由兩位人員一同進入房間進行檢查,人員包括一名導師或院長,另一名為導師、行政人員、或書院學生代表
  • 設立檢查記錄表,記錄進入人員名字和時間
  • 檢查內容:
    1. 冰箱內容易壞及將過期的食物,一律掉棄
    2. 掉棄房間內之垃圾
    3. 關窗,以避免白蟻等飛蟲進入
    4. 檢查衛生間正常排水和是否有漏水
    5. 檢查是否有違規物品或寵物,並作處理
