星球邂逅 Planet Encounter
澳門大學曹光彪書院2019/2020迎新活動,在書院領袖生的努力下順利完成。2019年8月16日,曹光彪書院六大星球部落的星際聯盟火箭“Biu Biu號”組建成功。這是透過書院院長、教職員工、書院領袖生及200新生同心、同行的成果。200多人的團隊動力圈與同心圓,不但完成了創舉,更重要是讓大家體驗了誠實給力、共同前進、堅韌不拔、發揮影響力、支持與服務你我的多重意義。透過這次別開生面的迎新活動,曹光彪書院把「誠信求真·服務擔當」的核心價值,化成實際行動。期待新一屆院生,以書院為平台,乘上“Biu Biu號”,探索生命的意義,照亮更多人!
The 2019/2020 orientation event of CKPC was successfully completed under the great efforts of the student leaders. On Aug 16, the interstellar alliance rocket “Biu Biu” of the six planet tribes of CKPC was successfully built. This is the result of college master, staffs, student leaders and around 200 new students. More than 200 people formed the momentum circle and concentric circle. Not only have they completed the pioneering work, but more importantly, the activity let everyone experience the multiple meanings of honesty, progression, perseverance, influence, support and service. Through this unique orientation event, CKPC has turned the core values of “Integrity & Truth” and “Service & Responsibility” into practical actions. We are looking forward to the new college students to take college as a platform and get on “Biu Biu” to explore the meaning of life and illuminate more people!