引言 Introduction
研習路線:橫琴口岸(集合) – 珠海太空中心 – (午飯)- 崖門海戰文化旅遊區 – 崖門砲台 – 斗門老街 – 橫琴口岸 (解散)
The Jinwan District in the west of Zhuhai City is the location of the famous China International Aviation & Aerospace Exhibition. The event is China’s largest air show and is held every two years. In 2023, the Zhuhai Aerospace Land officially opened at the airshow exhibition hall, covering aviation, aerospace, national defense, and a life-size space station module.
Zhuhai’s Doumen District, just north of the Jinwan District, is a typical southern China village with a Cantonese style. There are many arcades in Doumen’s old street that combine Chinese and Western architectural styles. It is a well-preserved old street in Zhuhai.
Not far to the west of Doumen is the Xinhui District, which belongs to Jiangmen City. The water way nearby was the battlefield of the Yamen naval battle between the Song and Yuan Dynasties. After this battle, the Song Dynasty officially vanished.
In this study activity, students will explore the following topics and record their findings in pictures and short videos.
Study route: Hengqin Port – Zhuhai Space Center – (Lunch) – Yamen Naval Battle Cultural Area – Yamen Fort – Doumen Old Street – Hengqin Port
珠海太空中心 Zhuhai Aerospace Land

- 珠海太空中心有哪些中國航天的明星展品?
- 據你了解,中國航天跟美國太空署帶領的太空計劃,各有什麼不同點?
- 八大專題展區中,你最喜歡哪一個?為什麼?
- What are the key exhibits of China’s aerospace industry at the Zhuhai Aerospace Land?
- What are the differences between China’s aerospace program and the space program led by NASA (USA)?
- Among the eight thematic exhibition areas, which one is your favorite and why?
宋元崖門海戰現場 Yamen Navel Battlefield

- 崖門海戰中,元軍人數少,何以能戰勝宋軍?
- 此戰給後世留下了什麼精神文化遺產?
- 崖門海戰文化旅遊區裡面寺廟,供奉了哪些宋代名臣?
- In the naval battle of Yamen, the Yuan navy was small in number. How could it defeat the Song navy?
- What spiritual and cultural legacy did this battle leave to future Chinese generations?
- Which famous officials from the Song Dynasty are enshrined in the temples in the Yamen Naval War Cultural Area?
斗門老街 Doumen Old Street

- 斗門老街建於什麼年代?跟澳門有什麼淵源?
- 老街有什麼店鋪和建築特色?
- 斗門接霞庄有什麼歷史故事?
- When was Doumen Old Street built? What was its connection with Macau?
- What are the shops and architectural features of the old street?
- What are some historical stories about the Doumen Jiexia Village?