在過去的兩個星期,曹光彪書院 Me to We 戶外領袖冒險計劃第七期學員在書院中順利完成一級及二級繩索訓練。此次訓練旨在提高學員的戶外技能和團隊合作能力,為未來的戶外探險活動中打下堅實的基礎。

訓練內容涵蓋一級及二級繩索技能,包括微距上升及下降、普魯士上升及下降等進階技術。在專業教練的指導下,學員勤學苦練克服恐高症狀,掌握基本的繩索技巧。在整個訓練過程中,成員們互相鼓勵,發揮了天衣無縫的團隊合作精神,充分體現了曹光彪書院 Me to We 戶外領袖冒險團隊的團結、協作、勇於接受挑戰的精神。最終,所有成員都通過考核順利完成培訓項目。

此次繩索訓練不僅提高了成員的個人技能,更增強了團隊凝聚力。在今後的活動中,曹光彪書院 Me to We 戶外領袖冒險計劃第七期學員將把學到的技能運用到實踐中,不斷挑戰自我極限,取得更大的成功。

Over the past two weeks, the members of the 7th Cohort of Chao Kuang Piu College Me to We Leadership Adventure Program (MTW) successfully completed Level 1 and 2 Rope Training at W21 College Building. The training aimed to enhance participants’ outdoor skills and teamwork capabilities, laying a solid foundation for future outdoor adventure activities.

The training covered both Level 1 and Level 2 rope skills, including advanced techniques such as micro-ascending and descending, Prusik ascending and descending, full-lock figure-eight, and extended figure-eight. Under the guidance of professional instructors, the members studied diligently, trained hard, overcame their fear of heights, and mastered essential rope skills. Throughout the training, the members encouraged each other and demonstrated seamless teamwork, fully embodying the MTW spirit of unity, collaboration, and courage to take on challenges. Ultimately, all members passed the assessments and successfully completed the training program.

This rope training not only improved the individual skills of the members but also strengthened team cohesion. In future activities, the members of MTW 7th Cohort will apply the skills they have learned in practice, continuously push their limits, and achieve even greater success.