CKpopC舞社創立於2022年,舞社通過推廣多種街舞文化,主辦訓練班和Harvest 街舞文化節,讓院生在舞蹈中感受音樂、找到自信、鍛煉身體,在繁忙的學習生活之餘放鬆心情和減少壓力。舞社也為書院大型活動增添舞蹈表演,代表書院參加校學生會Talent Show、社區/長者中心志願服務等,讓青春活力感染他人。

The CKpopC Dance Club was established in 2022.  It allows students to experience music, find confidence, and exercise their bodies through the promotion of a variety of street dance classes and the Harvest festival, so that they can relax and reduce stress.  The dance club also performs at large-scale events of the college, represents the college in the Talent Show organized by UM Student Union, and offers voluntary performances in community centers.  Their vigor of youth moves and inspires many college students.

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