CKPC Outdoor Leadership Training Program in America
Mountain is a school...
According to years of experience in foreign outdoor adventure teaching, outdoor natural environment can help the mental growth and development of leadership ability. It can bring valuable life experience to the students. Chao Kuang Piu College of the University of Macau has cultivated students to become social leaders with the elements of outdoor adventure education.
CKPC Me to We leadership adventure team went to Red Rock Canyon National Park in Las Vegas, USA from May 27th to June 9th, 2019 for a 14-day basic outdoor and rock climbing experience with technical training, American outdoor culture awareness and hiking. We believe that overseas experience allows young people to position themselves and create a “different” and “new” future. Stepping out of the comfort zone, curiosity allows them to explore the joy of life. These intrinsic motivation is also for future life planning and goal setting to achieve courage and strength in changing life.
Miker, the leader and instructor, said that outdoor adventure education provides an alternative educational environment to enhance students’ leadership and decision-making ability. However, leaders must possess different abilities and qualities depending on their culture and growing environment. Therefore, in addition to consolidating the value of CKPC Me to We leadership adventure team of becoming the servant leaders, the team has always awakened their respective leadership styles, recognized their own leadership skills, and found self-worth. Whenever students are concentrating on the up-and-coming teammates, as a mentor we have been thinking of issues for reflection from “climbing” for students. In this generation, Macao is too rich in “welfare”. Everyone starts to think about what I can get while fewer people think about what I can “give”. Finally, we let students to reflect. As a guarantor during the climbing, what can we give to the climbers? Such “give” and “receive” issues can be applied by students throughout their lives.
曹光彪書院Me to We 團隊於2019年5月27日至6月9日遠赴美國拉斯維加斯的紅石國家公園進行為期14天的基礎戶外、攀岩體驗及技術訓練、美國戶外文化認知與健行體驗,我們相信海外體驗讓青年為自己定位,創造『不一樣』和『新奇未知』的未來。揮別熟悉的環境,好奇心讓他們產生探索生命的樂趣,這些內在動機也正是對未來生命產生新的藍圖,讓他們更有目標及驅動力,進而擁有人生改變的勇氣與力量。
帶領導師兼指導員鄭智明表示透過戶外冒險教育,提供另類的教育環境增強學生們的領導決策能力。然而,領導隨著文化與生長環境的不同,須具備不同之能力與特質。因此團隊除更鞏固曹光彪書院Me to We領袖冒險團隊的決心成為僕人領袖的價值觀外,還一直在喚醒各自的領導風格,認識與發覺自我領導才能,找到自我價值。當然,還有每當學生在全神貫注的為上攀的同學確保時,作為導師一直思考的是,我們可從「攀岩」帶給學生什麼樣的思考議題。在這世代,這澳門「福利」太豐富了,讓大家開始都會去想我可以得到什麼,但越來越少人會想我可以「付出什麼」,最後,我們開始讓學生思考,當攀岩時,成為確保者的我們,可以為攀岩者付出什麼?這樣的「付出」與「獲得」的議題,將讓學生們一生受用。