– 圓圈繪畫和大雜繪

曹光彪書院一直致力於籌辦各項活動,讓學生在參與中不斷學習和成長。活動類型多樣,包括學術講座、戶外教育活動、語言提升班、富有節日色彩的派對以及其他走進澳門社區的服務活動等。本學年,書院導師嘗試開設以藝術活動為主題的課程,讓大一學生在進行藝術創作的過程中有所收穫並得到感悟。分別在10月份開設了圓圈繪畫和Draw All You Can的體驗課。

兩種繪畫形式均由美籍藝術家Hiep Cao Nguyen創辦,他主張藝術創作不受個人能力和天賦所限,並且所有人都能參與藝術創作的過程,繪畫出獨一無二的作品。進行圓圈繪畫當天,參與活動的大一學生分成6-7人的小組,按指示先繪畫大圓圈和小圓圈,然後添加其他圖案和細節。除了完成了大的圓圈繪畫作品,同學還繪畫了屬於自己的小圓圈作品。

過程中,同學一起分享了有關時間管理和壓力管理的心得。多數同學完成後表示這次繪畫是一個療癒和放鬆的過程,也讓大家思考了時間管理的重要性。雖然有了圓圈繪畫的經驗,但對於初次接觸Draw All You Can的學生而言,這種繪畫形式還是很具挑戰的。它要求學生嘗試找連結,把圖卡的圖案以特定的方式複製到主圖上,創作出新的合成圖案。雖然剛開始很難,但同學都說慢慢便找到了感覺。


– Circle Painting and Draw All You Can

CKPC is committed to organizing various activities with the hope of providing students with the opportunities to learn and to grow. Activities which are diverse in types include seminars, experiential learning program, language learning and enhancement classes, festive gatherings and parties, as well as other small-group activities which aims at learning through serving particular communities. This year, art activities are held through which freshmen get inspired and enlightened. “Circle Painting” and “Draw All You Can” classes were held respectively in October.

Both art forms are created by Hiep Cao Nguyen, an American artist. He holds the belief that art creations are not restricted by one’s talent and everyone can contribute in drawing a special piece of work.

During the “Circle Paining” activity, students got into groups of 6 or 7. First, they drew some big and small concentric circles as guided, then they added on some other details. Apart from working on a large canvas as a group, each participant also worked on their own small piece of work. Students also shared their ideas on time management and stress management during the discussion session. Most students agreed that this painting experience is a relaxing and soothing one. They also reflected on the importance of time management as a university student.

Though equipped with the experience of Circle Painting, participants still found “Draw All You Can”challenging. Students are required to find connections and copy all or part of the patterns on the complementary cards on the main card to form a composite pattern. It was hard at the beginning, but students gradually became more experienced. Just like learning, at first, they just passively received what teachers told them, working on simple duplications based on memorizing and remembering. However, they slowly learned how to create or work on something new through questioning the old rules and their own mindset. Both types of drawing are fun and meaningful to the participants.





學生參與Draw All You Can後的感想:


