Ning Yuhang 宁宇航 (Buble/小黑)
Ning Yuhang 宁宇航 (Buble/小黑)FBA/2
Hello, everyone I am Buble. I am from the north of the China. Now, I am a two-year-old university student who are studying on the Business. I prefer to communicate my heart with others by writing. Also, I like watching movie like Avengers, Spiderman and so on. Traveling for me is a good way to relax. Best wishes to you.


To CKPCers:

Zeng Yujia 曾宇嘉 (Allison)
Zeng Yujia 曾宇嘉 (Allison)FSS/2
My name is Zeng Yujia, you can call me Allison.I’m a potential sophomore in the department of communication.I am interested in improving my interpersonal skills. I like reading and doing exercise. I like working in the college students association because it not only helps everyone but also broadens my vision and enhances my ability. Let us work together to bring a better experience for members of CKPC! At the same time, I am very happy to become like-minded friends!

To CKPCers:
Be a better person together.

Chen Yinxi 陳胤熹 (Evens)
Chen Yinxi 陳胤熹 (Evens)FST/2
Hello, everyone, I’m Chen Yinxi, you can call me Evens~ I’m a Year 2 FST student major in ECE, and my hometown is Guangdong Province, welcome everyone joins in CKPC. After the first year of college life, I’ve seen and learned a lot and enjoyed the attractiveness of the CKPC family, which made me want to contribute to CKPC and help everyone enjoy the beauty of CKPC. In my spare time, I like reading (especially science fiction and fantasy novel), listening pure music, looking for tasty cuisines ,playing my roommate’ s PS4 and games (especially music games), and watching anime. Welcome everyone to chat with me~ and welcome everyone to play games with me! Hope I can have a good time with all the excellent CKPCers.

Hello, 大家好, 我是陳胤熹,英文名的話是Evens ~ 我來自廣東省的FST電機及計算機工程專業的大二學生,歡迎大家加入CKPC這個熱情的大家庭。在經歷了大一一年的書院生活後,我經歷了很多,在各種各樣的事情中體會到了CKPC大家庭的魅力,所以希望能夠盡自己所能為書院做貢獻,同時也想帶大家體會CKPC的精彩之處。平時我喜歡看看書(尤其喜歡科幻玄幻的書),聽聽純音樂,尋找美食,玩一玩室友的PS4,還有玩遊戲(我很喜歡音遊)看動漫什麼的。歡迎大家來找我談心或者閒聊~ 也歡迎大家來找我玩遊戲啦。希望能和新來的諸位人才友好相處~

To CKPCers:
Hope everyone can enjoy a wonderful college life in CKPC, I believe we can make CKPC better together! 希望大家可以在曹光彪大家庭裏享受美好的大學時光,我相信我們可以一起將曹光彪書院建設的更好!

Yuan Xinyu 袁心宇 (心宇)
Yuan Xinyu 袁心宇 (心宇)FSS/2
Slept over this self-introduction thing and failed to come up with any good ideas… It’s just difficult to describe myself within a few words 🙂 But I’m quite sure that I love knowing new people ~ including you! So why not come and find out who I am by yourself (´▽`)

我想了很久應該在這裡寫點啥…但最後還是覺得區區250字很難說清自己是個什麼樣的人:) 可以確定的是 我很願意認識不同的人!包括正在看這幾行字的你!所以建議大家來認識一下我,然後自己看看hhhhh

To CKPCers:

Lin Hong Jun 林鴻駿 (Chris)
Lin Hong Jun 林鴻駿 (Chris)FLL/2
Hi every body my name is Chris. I am learning law, if you have any problem need help just tell me.


To CKPCers:
Welcome to CKPC! Have a nice live.

Chen Zhuo 陳卓 (Rick)
Chen Zhuo 陳卓 (Rick)FST/2
Hello, I am Rick, I wonder a simple life, I like cycling, love listening to music so much and I love to make friends. I love freedom, to control my time my life all by myself, and I also be a man different from the rest.

Hello,我是Rick,愛簡單,愛熱鬧,愛騎行,愛逛街,愛聽音樂愛交朋友,愛自由自在,愛與眾同樂, 也喜歡無厘頭的搞笑,be myself always!

To CKPCers:
Look forward to communicating with you! 希望有機會相識。