(Click here for the English version)


  • 成珩瑞 Henry (2021社會科學學院學士)來自台灣,在書院時充滿活力,曾擔任曹光彪書院Me To We戶外領袖團隊骨幹,畢業後到大灣區發展。他鼓勵學弟妹勇於嘗試,無懼失敗,並好好利用書院的平台提升自己。他回憶自己在書院接受訓練、參加實習的開心時光,導師當年播下的價值種子慢慢發芽,印證了書院體驗式教育讓學生探索、改變、成長、最終實現自己的價值。(短片鏈接
  • 李宗信 Johnson(2020工商管理學院學士)分享他在澳門大學會計學科學習到的知識運用到他的家庭生意上,他表示在澳門學習能夠使他利用不同觀點視野來看待這個行業,在書院經營咖啡廳的經驗更令他培養出與同學客人溝通的技巧。他經常回憶起美好的書院生活,亦希望學弟妹們可以珍惜在書院這四年的時光。(短片鏈接
  • 吳少雄 Thai Jai(2020社會科學學院學士)分享他如何將學科專業與行業融合,透過帶給客人娛樂來實現自己的夢想。(短片鏈接
  • 伍宇峰 Oscar(2019法律學院學士)分享他升學和就業抉擇的想法,和他在取得澳門同濟慈善會獎學金,到葡國攻讀法律碩士的經歷,特別在全球疫情大流行下,一個人在歐洲生活遇到的文化衝突和心路歷程。Oscar也回憶在書院生活的難忘片段和對自己的影響。(短片鏈接
  • 梁雪盈 Michelle和譚曼婷 Mandy(2019社會科學學院學士)分享她們在院長及書院的支持下創立Nebula Studio的心路歷程,令她們特別印象深刻的是初嘗當老闆的滋味以及創業路上的磨練,並為可以與別人分享自己的興趣而感到高興。(短片鏈接
  • 楊名慧 Enid(2019教育學院學士)作為新秀老師,遇到不少挑戰。當她有猶豫的時候,每每想起書院生活的快樂時光,特別是創辦和帶領書院義教團的“熱血日子”,令她不忘初心,保持對教育事業的熱愛。如Enid所說,老師就是學生的明星和偶像。盼望她成為桃李滿天下的人生良師。短片鏈接
  • 葉軍英 Eugene  (2019工商管理學院學士) 在澳大畢業後,回到馬來西亞從事企業轉化管理工作,同時也攻讀人事管理碩士。兩年後,他取得碩士學位,也進入了一家更大的跨國公司。他回憶在書院的學習生活,擔任院生會主席和學生助理,鍛煉了他的人事管理能力,使他更加堅定地朝這個方向發展。(短片鏈接
  • 李忻葳 Chris (2018工商管理學院金融專業學士) 在澳大畢業後,直接進入位於法國小鎮Fontainebleau 著名的歐洲工商管理學院 (INSEAD)攻讀金融博士。Chris是書院創院的第一批學生,他回憶在書院的學習生活,從參與院生會、參加競選、到當上第一屆院生會主席,後來更擔任學生助理。他在書院裡找到許多志同道合的好朋友,有困難時互相勉勵,大家都有很強的幸福感,畢業後也繼續保持聯繫。Chris也是澳大榮譽學院的學生,他計劃2024年博士畢業後,向學界發展。(短片鏈接
  • 馬子乾 Manson(2018物理學博士)回憶他在書院擔任助教期間,成長和學習的快樂時光。特別是,在書院接觸來自不同地區、國家的同學,讓他更加能接受多元文化。他也鼓勵學弟妹,多珍惜書院提供的資源和機會,畢業後考慮留在大灣區發展,成就自己的夢想。(短片鏈接

* 院友專訪系列由曹光彪書院學生“浮光‧LiGo”多媒體小組打造,特別鳴謝各院友的大力支持。內容將會持續更新,敬請期待。

The series “Missing You Dearly” featured exclusive interviews with CKPC alumni, who shared their stories after graduation, and reflected on their memory of studying and living at CKPC.  Below are summaries of the interviews.

Henry Cheng (Bachelor of Social Sciences, 2021) is from Taiwan. He was always full of energy when he was a student in CKPC. He served as the CEO of CKPC’s Me To We outdoor leadership team. After graduation, he went to work in the Greater Bay Area. He encouraged fellow CKPCers to try different things and not be afraid of failure. (Video link)

Johnson Li (Bachelor of Business Administration, 2020) shared that he was able to apply the knowledge he learned in accounting at UM to his family business. His experience at CKPC’s Infinite Coffee has greatly enhanced his communication skills. He often recalled the wonderful life at CKPC. He urged fellow CKPCers to cherish the four years in the college. (Video link)

Sio Hong Ng (Bachelor of Social Sciences, 2020) integrated his learning with the professional industry, thereby realizing his dreams. (Video link)

Oscar Ng (Bachelor of Laws, 2019) shared his thoughts on further studies and employment choices, and his experience in obtaining a scholarship from the Macau Tong Chai Charity Association and studying for a Master of Laws in Portugal. He also recalled the unforgettable moments at CKPC and their influence on him. (Video link)

Michelle Leong and Mandy Tam (Bachelors of Social Sciences, 2019) talked about their entrepreneurial journey of founding the Nebula Studio. They shared their experience of being a boss for the first time. (Video link)

Enid Ieong (Bachelor of Education, 2019) often recalled her happy times at CKPC, especially the period when she founded and led CKPC’s Voluntary Teaching Team. (Video link)

Eugene Yap (Bachelor of Business Administration, 2019) returned to Malaysia to work after graduating from UM.  At the same time, he pursued a master in human resource management.  Two years later, he obtained his master degree and also entered a large international company to work on change management.  He remembered his times at CKPC, serving as HA Chairman  and RA.  The experiences helped develop his relations management skills. (Video link)

Chris Li (Bachelor of Business Administration, 2018) entered the prestigious INSEAD in the French town of Fontainebleau to pursue his PhD in Finance. Chris is among the first batch of students at CKPC. From participating in the House Association and becoming its president, he found many like-minded good friends in CKPC. Everyone had a strong sense of belonging and continued to keep in touch after graduation. Chris is also a student at the UM Honors College, and he plans to further his career in the academia after graduating with a Ph.D. in 2024. (Video link)

Manson Ma (Ph.D. in Physics, 2018) recalled the happy times at CKPC. This included interaction with foreign students, enhancing his multicultural prospective. He encouraged fellow CKPCers to cherish the resources and opportunities provided by the college, and to consider staying in the Greater Bay Area after graduation to achieve their dreams. (Video link)

* The series of exclusive interviews was created by CKPC’s “LiGo” multimedia group. Special thanks to all alumni for their strong support. The content will be periodically updated, please check back later.