在主題分享中,夏老師講述了他五次挑戰珠峰的心路歷程,表露他永不言敗的堅強內心,和矢志不渝朝夢想目標邁進。“看似是夏伯渝老師一個人的夢想,而他今晚站在這裡,把他的夢想帶給在座的每個年輕人,衍生了千千萬萬個夢想…”(請看書院學生、澳門大學校園記者王怡錦的文章“山高路遠 無盡攀登”[鏈接])
- 澳門特區政府社會工作局韓衛局長
- 澳門特區政府教育及青年發展局黃嘉琪代局長
- 廣州市領攀戶外運動中心執行總監李松濤先生
- 澳門特殊奧運會執行總監蕭宇康先生
- LOK IAO IAO 陸柔柔 (Yoyo)
- LI XUHAN 李昫翰 (Henry)
- CHENG TAN IENG 程丹瑩 (Cindy)
- LEI IAT SENG 李日升 (Seng)
- HUANG XINYI 黃心怡 (Sindy)
- KUOK CHI CHENG 郭芷晴 (Catherine)
- SHI YANGHUAYUE 石杨华玥 (Estella)
- YANG JINZHONG 楊勁中 (Harris)
- KUOK MAN TENG 郭敏婷 (Candy)
- IAN CHONG CHENG 殷庄正 (Mark)
- LOK IAO IAO 陸柔柔 (Yoyo)
- CHANG TAI-CHIA 張泰嘉 (Tyga)
- WEI YUJIA 尉钰佳 (Olivia)
- LAM KIN WA 林健華 (Wader)
- QI RUI 祁瑞 (April)
在書院星塵合唱團表演後,晚會進入畢業班主題環節,畢業班代表陸柔柔致辭,她勉勵同學說:“一路堅持,即使山重水復,也終會柳暗花明。” (發言全文)接著是畢業班回顧短片、快閃合唱,CKpopC舞社表演,和畢業班集體舞,把晚會氣氛推向高潮。
Chao Kuang Piu College hosted its second high table dinner for Academic Year 2022/2023. The theme was “Conquering Endless Mountains”, with Mr. Xia Boyu as the keynote speaker.
At the age of 26, as a national mountaineering team member, Mr. Xia helped his teammates by lending his tent when he was climbing to the summit of Mount Everest. Because of frostbite, he was forced to amputate his legs. Later, he used prosthetics to challenge Mount Everest unremittingly. During the fifth attempts, he finally succeeded in conquering the summit in May 2018. For his accomplishment, Mr. Xia received the 2019 Laureus World Sports Awards and many other awards in China.
In the theme sharing session, Mr. Xia told about his long journey of challenging Mount Everest, revealing his steadfastness, and his unswerving determination to advance towards his dream goal.
Other guests at the event included:
- Han Wai, Director of the Social Welfare Bureau of the Macau SAR
- Wong Ka Kei, Acting Director of the Education and Youth Development Bureau of the Macau SAR
- Li Songtao, CEO of the Guangzhou Leadership Outdoor Sports Center
- Siu Yu Hong, CEO of the Macau Special Olympics
During the event, the House Association transition ceremony was held. CKPC also presented the Distinguished Student Leader Awards and the Outstanding College Service Awards (see the list above in the Chinese section).
After the performance by CKPC’s Stardust Choir, the gala entered into the theme of the graduating class, including a speech by graduating class representative Yoyo Lok, a short video of the graduating class, a flash mob chorus, a performance by the CKpopC dance group, and a group dance of the graduating class.
After the party, the students lingered and posed for photos in their graduation gown and formal dresses. Many students even surrounded Mr. Xia for a group photo.
學生感言 Student Feedback
書院收到近70位同學的感言,下面是部分節錄(更多 more …)
- “經過這次的夏老師的演講,我才發現永遠不要低估自己的能力”
- “Mr. Xia Boyu reminded us that success is not solely measured by reaching the summit of a mountain but by the resilience and character we display in the face of obstacles. His unwavering belief in the power of the human spirit encourages us to embrace challenges, overcome setbacks, and strive for greatness in all aspects of our lives.”
- “不要放棄,不要低估了自己能爆發的能量”
- “夏伯渝老师的分享让我感受到梦想的力量和坚持的重要”
- “激励了我对梦想的坚持。让我重新思考人生是否真的有极限”
- “感覺在以後的人生中好像不管遇到什麼坎,堅持一下都可以跨過去,不管遇到什麼困難也不該輕易放棄”
- “梦想的力量是无穷的, 只有坚定和热爱自己的选择,才能一直有进步的勇气”
- “给了我更多去面对未来挑战的信心,一切都是最好的安排”
- “夏老师对攀登的热爱和对梦想的追逐,会成为我人生道路上的动力”
- “振奋!夏伯渝先生逐梦精神令我坚定自己未来要走的道路”