2022/2023 RAs

LOK IAO IAO 陸柔柔 (Yoyo)
LOK IAO IAO 陸柔柔 (Yoyo)FAH/4
Hi! I am Yoyo, a year 4 student, majoring in Portuguese Studies .I enjoy having fun, watching movies and listening to music in my leisure time .To be simple, I born for fun; therefore, chat with me if you interest in some funny things! hahahhahahaha!!!”

To CKPCers:
“Living in present “” is a quote in my life. We need to stay happy! I hope that CKPCers enjoy theses 4 years~”

YANG JINZHONG 楊勁中 (Harris)
“hello,大家好,我是杨劲中,是今年的酋长RA,也是一名工商管理财务监控专业的一名大四学生,英文名是Harris,平时比较喜欢健身,玩滑板,有可能会打一打篮球(哈哈),大家如果遇到什么难题的活可以找我呀,为你们解决问题就是我们RA的意义啦,BTW,我也是书院Infinite coffee里的一员,大家可以常来喝咖啡,第一杯免费喔!

I am Yang Jinzhong, chief RA of this year, and a senior student majoring in Financial Controllership. My English name is Harris. I like to keep fit, play skateboard and maybe play basketball. If you encounter any difficult work, you can come to me. Solving problems for you is the meaning of RA.BTW, I am also a member of Infinite Coffee Club in the college. You can always come to drink coffee. The first cup is free!”

To CKPCers:

“大家好,我叫張泰嘉,現在是大四葡語系的學生,平時可以叫我Tyga or Tiger。因為一些原因也可以叫我嘉哥,但對新生的你們而言,肯定是不瞭解原因的~想知道更多可以多找我聊天。另外我很喜歡打籃球,喜歡運動的人也可以找我一起打球。

Hello, I am Chang Tai Chia, a year-4 student majoring Portuguese Study. My friends call me Tyga or Tiger. I like to play basketball. if you do too, we can play together in the campus.”

To CKPCers:
In the end, congratulations! You come to CKPC. And i am so excited to meet you in the future.”

LEI IAT SENG 李日升 (Seng)
LEI IAT SENG 李日升 (Seng)FHS/3
“哈囉大家好, 我叫李日升, 平時朋友都會直呼我中文名, 哈哈, 也有人叫我做Seng。我是一個大三的本地生, 讀的生物醫藥專業, 普通話講得很普通, 但平常溝通還是沒問題的! 英文也略懂一點, 有學業上的問題也可以問我, 或是平常來找我玩的聊天的也歡迎! 小弟平時也做做運動打打遊戲, 線上線下都可以約起來, 有空一定來!
Hello everyone, my name is Lei Iat Seng, you can call me Seng directly. I am a year 3 local student major in Biomedical Medicine, Mandarin and English are also ok! Anything that you want to find me to have a convo, just come! Studies, games, sports, or you just want somebody to chat with, welcome to find me!”

To CKPCers:
“好好享受書院的環境, 多多參加不同的活動和組織, 總有一個適合你!
Enjoy the evvironment of RC, get involve in different events and groups, there is always one fit you!”

“Hello! 大家好,我是陳俊喬大家可以叫我Leo就好啦!今年大三,專業是葡語研究,平時喜歡吃東西喝咖啡也喜歡拍照攝影。現在也是書院Pi studio的一員。接下來的一年請大家多多關照啦!
Hello everyone! I am Chan Chon Kio, You can also call me Leo! I am in my year 3 and my major is Portuguese Study. I enjoy eating delicious food and drinking coffee, photography is also one of my favorite thing that I will do in my free time. I am also a member of Pi studio in our college. Hope to be friends with you in the coming

To CKPCers:
“Enjoy the university life and keep exploring

CHENG TAN IENG 程丹瑩 (Cindy)
CHENG TAN IENG 程丹瑩 (Cindy) FSS/3
“Nice to meet you all! I am Cindy, a third year student, majoring in psychology. I was born in Macau and my hometown is Fujian, Shish. I also love eating, listening to music and shopping. usually take a walk at night around UM, because walking is the only exercise that i do not hate. Also, I would like to ask you to invite me for working out with you or have a walk together if you are willing to.


To CKPCers:
““Welcome to CKPC, hope you can have fun here and enjoy your university life!

有什麼生活上或者學業上的問題儘管來問我吧,很樂意提供幫助。Welcome to CKPC! 希望你在這裡度過充實有意義的一段時光!

Hello, everyone! I’m Matilda, ZHANG Yuting. It’s my fourth year at UM, and I’m learning Portuguese Studies in FAH. I’m looking forward to live with you in the following year.
I like appreciating the sunrise and sunset, my idea life is having a long long sesta every single day, and I’m always ready for looking for healthy life, authenticity and beauty! Glad to have a conversation with you or hang out to eat something.
Feel free to turn me for help if you have any question in study or in life! I’m always here for you. Enjoy your colorful and fruitful CKP College life!”

To CKPCers:
Be yourself and try your best.

LU BEI 盧蓓 (Bliss)
LU BEI 盧蓓 (Bliss)FHS/3
“大家好,我是盧蓓 Bliss,現在是生物醫藥專業大三學生,愛好有美食,彈琴,攝影。至高中都在安徽安慶市上學,大學選擇專業後,從大一開始接觸科研,嘗試過兩三個專案,現擔任健康學院學生會秘書部部長。大一春招進入書院學生會參與了一個學期的活動策劃。選擇當RA也是希望繼續為書院生活提供力所能及的協助,幫助同學們適應書院集體生活,享受書院活動等服務,進而收穫充實的大學生活。在學習上作為一個大三的學生,在與大家共同進步的同時,給予身邊同學也是自己進取向上的信號,為更好的未來努力!
Hello everyone, my name is Lu Bei Bliss. I am currently a third-year student majoring in biomedicine. My hobbies are food, piano and photography. He studied in Anqing City, Anhui Province until high school. After choosing a major in college, he was exposed to scientific research since his freshman year and tried two or three projects. Now he is the secretary of the Student Union of the School of Health. Freshmen recruited into the academy student union participated in the planning of activities for a semester. Choosing to be an RA also hopes to continue to provide assistance to the life of the academy to the best of its ability, help students adapt to the collective life of the academy, enjoy services such as academy activities, and gain a fulfilling university life. As a junior in study, while making progress together with everyone, it is also a signal of my own progress to give my classmates, and work hard for a better future!”

To CKPCers:
大家好,我是盧蓓 Bliss,現在是生物醫藥專業大三學生,愛好有美食,彈琴和攝影!歡迎大家找我一起玩耍~很高興成為RA, 希望能夠幫助大家享受書院生活。

HUANG XINYI 黃心怡 (Sindy)
HUANG XINYI 黃心怡 (Sindy)FBA/2
哈嘍!歡迎大家來到CKPC!!!我叫黃心怡,大家可以叫我小黃,Sindy,sin sin……大二工商管理專業;第一次出城讀書的廣州土著;喜歡運動的乾飯人,喜歡拍照寫作記錄生活,也很喜歡嘗試新事物(歡迎大家來找我嘮嗑,拉我入圈);校擊劍隊,ckpc義教團編制人員;大家在學習上或者生活上遇到什麼困難或者沒有遇到什麼困難都可以來找我!這是我第一次當RA,希望大家多多包容啦。同時我也希望能幫助大家更好地融入大學生活,期待大家一起在CKPC共同成長!
Hello! Welcome to CKPC!!! My name is Huang Xinyi, you can call me Xiao Huang, Sindy, sin sin …… I am a sophomore business administration major; a native of Guangzhou who is studying out of town for the first time; a food lover and sports enthusias. I like to take pictures and write about life, and also like to try new things (welcome to come and rant to me and try to make them my hobbies); a member of the school fencing team and a member of the ckpc volunteer group; you can come to me if you encounter any difficulties in learning or life, or if you don’t encounter any difficulties! This is my first time as an RA, I hope you will be more tolerant. At the same time, I hope to help you all better integrate into university life. Look forward to growing together at CKPC!!!

To CKPCers:
May you be faithful to yourself, live earnestly and laugh freely.

LI XUHAN 李昫翰 (Henry)
LI XUHAN 李昫翰 (Henry)FBA/3

Chuckling~ My name is LI XUHAN and I come from Fujian. You can call me Henry favorably instead. It is an honor to be one of RA teams. My first being RA is challenging and fascinating, and I am really excited for hanging out with you guys. During my Junior year, I will try my best to take responsibility for the RC. Sincerely hope everyone could enjoy your stay in the temporary college in the coming year and ask us for help facing difficulties at any time.”

To CKPCers:
願新生可以尋到家的感覺 老生也能在這找到歸屬感~

CHEN SIMING 陳思銘 (Savitar)
CHEN SIMING 陳思銘 (Savitar)FST/3

Hello everyone! My Chinese name is Chen Siming, and my English name is Savitar. I am an ECE students in year three, coming from Sichuan, Chengdu🐼. It is honored to be one of RA, hoping we can enjoy our lives in college together.
-I like playing basketball, seeing movies, playing games. I would appreciate it if you can join me! ( By the way, we have to study hard for our GPA! Everyone is welcome to study with me in library!!)
-I am friendly and I am looking forward guys to talk to me!🙋‍♂️”

To CKPCers:

KUOK CHI CHENG 郭芷晴 (Catherine)
KUOK CHI CHENG 郭芷晴 (Catherine)FAH/2
“Olá olá~大家好~我是你們這一年的RA—郭芷晴。平時朋友都會叫我Catherine. 當然,你也可以叫我cat cat、thin thin… 我的專業是葡語研究,如果有關於葡文上的問題想問我,我會盡自己所能去回答你~ 身為一個澳門人,平時我喜歡吃東西、到處玩,歡迎和我約起來,我可以帶你們探店一下澳門小眾又好玩的地方!對啦,我在書院是義教團和infinite coffee的成員之一,有空可以來找我喝咖啡喔!

Hello everyone ~ My name is Catherine and I’m your RA this year. I would say I’m a charming and active girl. In spare time, I like to walk around in Macau street, and find many delicious food and drinks. As a Macanese, feel free to find me and I can go out with you guys in anytime. By the way, I’m also a member of the CKPC volunteer group and infinite coffee. Welcome to meet me for coffee or anything that when you have time!”

To CKPCers:
Welcome to join in CKPC family, here you will meet lots of unexpected happiness and surprises!”

SHARON LIN 繆羽軒 (Sharon)
SHARON LIN 繆羽軒 (Sharon)FHS/2
Hi guys, my name is Sharon! I am in my year 2 and I am a student from FHS. I am so honored to be a part of RA! I like to play games and dance, and I also enjoy kpop, so kpopers are so welcomed to chat with me( if you are not a kpoper is still okay to chat with me, everyone is welcomed!) After all,welcome to CKPC which is such a happy family. I hope you all can enjoy your life here and have a strong sense of belong to CKPC.

To CKPCers:

SHI YANGHUAYUE 石楊華玥 (Estella)
SHI YANGHUAYUE 石楊華玥 (Estella) FSS/2
現在也是英語演講隊的成員,如果你有興趣的話也一起來玩呀!同時還在書院的foodie corner做manager,有嘗巧克力千層珍珠奶茶烤冷面手抓餅嗎!不可錯過哦~

Good morning, good afternoon or good evening! I’m Estella, you can also call me Shiyang. I’m a freshman major in Sociology.
For now I’m also a member of English public speaking team, welcome to come and play with us if you’re interested! What’s more I’m one of the managers of foodie corner. Have you tried our chocolate lasagna, boba milk tea and Udon? They’re so yummy that you definitely can not miss~
As an ENFP, I hope to enjoy every conversation with you, whether it’s small talk or to deeply know about you. That’s so interesting!
And I’m so interested in language learning, I wanna learn Cantonese and Portuguese to communicate more with you guys!

To CKPCers:
It’s OK to not be OK. Lt’s heal each other but not to harm.

CHOI KA HOU 徐嘉豪 (Tiamo)
CHOI KA HOU 徐嘉豪 (Tiamo)FST/2

Hello, everyone, MY name is Xu Jiahao, now a sophomore student studying civil engineering major, usually like to play basketball 🏀.”

To CKPCers:

HUANG MINXING 黃敏行 (August)
“hello 大家好!我是黃敏行,在大二讀經濟學,平時喜歡踢足球、玩遊戲,很開心能在未來一學年擔任大家的RA,希望能跟大家都成為好朋友!
hello everyone! My name is Huang Minxing and I major in Economics. I like playing football and video games in my spare time. I am very happy to be your RA in the next academic year. I hope to become good friends with you all! See you!”

Words to CKPCers: 去體驗、去感受、去生活、去學習

CHAI XIAOFAN 柴小凡 (Annie)

Hi! My name is Chai Xiaofan, from the beautiful coastal city of Qingdao. I am a sophomore majoring in finance. I like playing ball,dancing, reading and watching movies, traveling, and I also like to relax myself. I’m an ENTJ and have a friendly personality. Welcome to play ball games, dance, read books, watch movies, travel and eat with me!”

To CKPCers:
Nice to meet you in the new academic year! Hope you enjoy your stay in CKPC~

LIU YIZI 劉奕孜 (Izabella)
LIU YIZI 劉奕孜 (Izabella)FSS/2
“Welcome to CKPC!!!我是奕孜,讀傳播的大二學生。我喜歡運動(雖然但是還是脂肪很多)!想要在大學裡塑造一個完美身材,無痛減肥的小夥伴們, 可以找我一起打籃球、跑步、潘蜜拉!我呢,不太聰明也不太笨;但是會對大家很認真!所以,遇到了什麼不清楚的或是困境不要不找我喔!享受充滿愛的CKPC吧!

Hello! I’m Yizi, a year-2 student, majoring in communication. I like sports, but I still have a lot of fat. If you want to build a perfect figure in college and lose weight painlessly, you can find me to play basketball and run! As for me, I’m not too smart or stupid, but I’ll be very serious to you! So, don’t stop looking for me when you encounter something unclear or difficult! Enjoy your time on CKPC!

To CKPCers:
Try your best!”

MIO WENG KEI 繆詠琪 (Celia)
MIO WENG KEI 繆詠琪 (Celia)FAH/2

Hello everyone!My name is Celia, majoring in Portuguese studies.
If you have any problems or difficulties, you can come to ask me at any time!
Hope we can communicate more and
have a wonderful college life!”

To CKPCers:
Hope everyone can have a good memory in university!