

書院義教團之前曾經四次到該學校幫扶義教,除了圍繞英文 、體育、和美術開展活動教學,更給大山裏的孩子帶去愛心和陪伴,跟老師和小朋友建立了深厚情誼。幾年前從來沒有想過上大學的孩子,開始萌生了成為大學生的念頭,有些更以澳門大學哥哥姐姐作為升學的榜樣。


In October 2021, the Voluntary Teaching Team of Chao Kuang Piu College (CKPC) launched Phase 5.2 of the Voluntary Teaching Project. After more than two months of preparation, the Team was scheduled to go to Guizhou at the end of December. However, the trip was cancelled because of the epidemic. The Team then filmed a video and sent it to Gantuan Mei’e Primary School in Guizhou’s Congjiang County, the designated school served by the Team. In the video, team members encouraged the children in Guizhou to continue to work hard and grow together.

In the video sent from the school, children from Guizhou gave their blessings. They wished the big brothers and sisters of the University of Macau to stay healthy, beautiful and happy. Some even expressed their longing for seeing UM’s big brothers and sisters.

In the concluding team meeting, the Team watched the blessing video from the Guizhou children together. They then held an election and immediately started the preliminary work for Phase 5.3 of the Voluntary Teaching Project.