澳門大學曹光彪書院11月啟發講座「為何中國是美國偏愛的威脅?」已於11月16日順利舉行, 是次啟發講座邀請到澳門大學政府與公共行政學系助理教授潘成鑫博士進行分享,並吸引20多名院生參與。講座圍繞中美大國博弈、中美地緣政治競爭等方面深入分析,讓院生了解中美關係與局面的前因後果,提升院生們的全球視野,加強全球競爭方面之勝任力。
The University of Macau Chao Kuang Piu College’s Novermber Inspiring Seminar “Why is China a Preferred Threat to the US?” was successfully held on 16 November. Dr. Pan Chengxin, Assistant Professor of the Department of Government and Public Administration of the University of Macau, was invited to share his views with more than 20 students. The seminar focused on the Sino-US geopolitical competition, which enabled the students to understand the causes and consequences of the Sino-US relationship and situation, and to enhance their global perspective and competence in global competitiveness.