
唐寶寶和家人到達書院後,即受到劉潤東院長和義工的熱烈歡迎。首先由院長介紹書院之行星部落以及其他書院特色和活動,接着唐寶寶便在義工的帶領下參觀書院基礎設施以及各書院品牌。參觀過後,他們分成了兩組,分別到Infinite Coffee*學習在飲料上拉花,以及到Pi Studio*拍攝溫馨家庭照。然後,兩組唐寶寶在Nebula Studio*成員的指導下製作了精美相框。最後,他們和家人在義工的陪同下到書院飯堂享用午餐,為是次回訪畫上句號。



The Down Syndrome Buddy Group was established by CKPC in AY2020/2021, which recruits volunteers from the college and aims at serving the buddies from the Macau Down Syndrome Association. Throughout the academic year, our volunteers have organized different activities, like handicraft workshop, festive gatherings, games etc. In early May, our volunteers invited the Down Syndrome buddies to pay a visit to our college to learn about the place where we study and we live.

The buddies were warmly welcomed by College Master, Dr. Lau, who then introduced our planet tribes and distinctive college brands and activities. After that, they had a tour around the college and they split into two groups; one learnt how to work on latte art at Infinite Coffee while the other took family photos at Pi Studios. Finally, the buddies got together again to work on an artistic photo frame under the guidance of Nebula Studio (the three being unique college brands run by students). The visit came to an end after a loving and hearty meal at the college dining hall.

Chairman of Executive Board from the Macau Down Syndrome Association Ms. Lau thanked the college for organizing such visit, which gave the buddies and their family a chance to walk into the college and into the university. She also appreciated our volunteers for their devotion and service. Both the Association and the College look forward to future cooperation.