2021年7月,澳門大學曹光彪書院與上海華東師範大學孟憲承書院合辦 “城市與文化-聚焦上海與澳門” 互訪專案項目圓滿舉行,兩院共20名學生參訪交流。






  • 「以後當我感到疲憊感到無力的時候,這段時光一定是我最大的慰藉。我也很感謝自己當初的那份勇氣,我才有機會能與各位認識。我一定會克服自己的膽小和懦弱,一定會更多地去嘗試新鮮的事物,認識更多優秀的朋友,我期待再次與各位相聚的那天!」
  • 「在澳門能夠穿越大街小巷裡面,去瞭解當地的歷史與文化,感受獨一無二的風土人情,這種體驗是平時旅遊完全無法匹及的。」
  • 「這是我頭一次在上了大學後,感受到像初中高中一樣和一群朋友相處的快樂,與大家相處的這些天感覺像是回到了初高中一樣,我想是我大學生活中很寶貴的一段經歷了。」
  • 「這次活動先是讓我打破了對上海和澳門兩座城市的刻板印象。」
  • 「帶不走的海浪,品不夠的燒烤,唱不完的歌,都是我們這十天最濃墨重彩的一筆。滋養我們如何成為未來,遠不止目之所及的書本,更是我們一次次的交談。」
  • 「老師曾經說過的一句話深深打動了我:“不要因為地方太小不屑於走,不要因為地方太大不願去走”,想到這十一天的行程,即使是在上海我也有許多地方是之前一直沒有走過的。本次活動就給我提供了這樣一個機會在理論和實踐角度都去發現城市之美。」
  • 「這幾天的上海與澳門之行,真的是帶給我們不一樣的視覺盛宴和精彩體驗。 …… “澳門很小,小到只夠容納你我,澳門又很大,大到有數不清的生活樂趣和溫情” 」
  • 「說實話,11天的時間,不長但也不短,很感恩自己可以參與這一次的交流之旅,感受兩所城市帶來的文化衝擊,同時也交到了很多志同道合的朋友們,這次的旅程雖然結束,但我相信我們的友誼會一直在。」
  • 「這次旅遊我讓我更真切的感受到何謂讀萬卷書不如走萬裡路,通過走向不同的地方瞭解每個人眼中的世界和文化也深深的衝擊著我世界觀,這種對於未來的渴望無疑是我在追逐夢想的途中的最大動力。」
  • 「青年朝氣青年游,海鏡風光再起首。大三巴前團團坐,所伴良師與益友。番茄屋裡澳葡菜,橫琴島上摘星樓。百日菊開聚首日,友誼長存軫方遒。」
  • 「這一次的項目也讓我重新認識了澳門這個地方。在澳門居住了十多年,卻在這幾天發現我跟澳門一點也不熟悉;……當打開相簿時又會不由自主的向上滑,回味著這短暫而又精彩的幾天。我想在我未來面對一些事情的時候,這些也都會成為我的一份力量吧。」

In July 2021, summer exchange programme “City and Culture – Focus on Shanghai and Macau” organized by University of Macau, Chao Kuang Pui College and East China Normal University, Meng Xin Cheng College was successfully held. 20 students from the two colleges participated in the exchange program.

5-10 July was in Shanghai. As a host, teachers and students from Meng Xin Cheng introduce Shanghai to Macau teachers and students, and explore a study tour it the city. The programme consisted of an opening ceremony, theme salon, outdoor study tour, group city exploration, service learning, presentation of results and a closing ceremony in Shanghai. During the six-day Shanghai tour, students were divided into different groups to explore the city through special themes. Learn about cultural heritage of Shanghai from nature, geography, culture and creativity, technology and people.

10-16 July was in Macau. Students from both colleges flew from Shanghai to Macau together for the second half of the exchange programme. After the Shanghai trip, the students had spent a lot of time together, their camaraderie had been heightened in Macau. The students took a tour of the streets of Macau, from the modern gambling district of Cotai to the historical heritage sites, experiencing the blend of Chinese and Portuguese cultures and development. One of the nights was a barbecue at Hac Sa Beach, students sang and danced together, bringing the atmosphere to a climax.

At the ending presentation of the trip, the students showed their harvests through this exchange programme. Also acted out a sense of reluctance. Everyone could feel the friendships and growth through this trip.

Most of the participants in this exchange programme were education students. Through this exchange, the students were able to share their thoughts and ideas about education and being a teacher, and share what they had learned from books with the audience, which was also a great achievement in this exchange.