澳門大學曹光彪書院Me to We團隊戶外冒險指導員訓練中的14位隊員,在2021年12月31日至2022年1月3日順利完成國際野外醫學協會課程及通過考核,取得國際野外醫學協會的WAFA野外進階急救員認證。該課程目標在於野外進階急救(WAFA),對登山領隊及戶外活動團隊,所提供完整的野外急救訓練。野外急救課程跟標準的、及其他以都市環境導向的急救課程,有顯著的差異。



14 members of the CKPC Me to We team Outdoor Adventure Instructor Training have successfully completed the Wilderness Medical Associates International course and passed the examination from December 31, 2021 to January 3, 2022, to obtain the WAFA Wilderness Advance First Aid certification from the the Wilderness Medical Associates International. The goal of the course is to provide complete Wilderness First Aid (WAFA) training for mountain leaders and outdoor teams. The Wilderness Advance First Aid course is significantly different from standard and other urban environment oriented first aid courses.

The course equips students with the ability to handle emergency situations where hospital and rescue team are not available for a significant period of time. Students are taught to use existing equipment to make rescue equipment to help the injured and accompany the injured in long term care and harsh environments. Throughout the course, students are expected to become professional outdoor instructors.