曹光彪書院本學年推行ME TO WE戶外領導計劃,透過體驗教育課程的推動,創造一種『學校圍牆以外』的體驗學習風潮。此領導計劃協助學生參與戶外多元活動,藉著走進大自然,發展學生的領導特質、解難能力與抗逆力,鍛錬意志及堅毅的精神。並透過自然探索體驗,學習欣賞及愛護大自然,重新感受簡樸真實世界的美,拓展生命經驗,建立團隊精神和正面的人生觀,啟發學生的動力,積極參關心社會並回饋社會。

ME TO WE戶外領導計劃開始至此已為學生開設體驗教育副引導員訓練及證書課證、一級繩索技術員訓練、海外遠征與服務學習的行動計劃,曹光彪院書院致力推動學生們成為專業及具備愛與關係特質的領導人才。

CKPC launched ME TO WE Outdoor Leadership Program in this semester. Through the promotion of experience education program, it creates the trend of “outside the school wall” learning experience. This leadership program assists students to participate in outdoor activities. By walking into nature, students develop leadership traits, problem-solving abilities and resilience, and strengthen their will and perseverance. Through exploring the nature, they learn to appreciate and protect the nature, experience the beauty of the world. At the same time, they can expand life experience, build a team spirit and a positive value on life. This program inspires students’ motivation to actively participate in and contribute to the society.

ME TO WE Outdoor Leadership Program have provided experiential education assistant guide training and certification program, first-level rope technician training, overseas expedition and service learning for students. CKPC commits to encourage students in becoming professional leaders with love and relationship traits.

ME TO WE 成員全力準備12月之台灣勇敢. 騎行服務學習計劃

與 “睡在懸崖上的人”的作者易思婷進行室內攀岩訓練
